Agriculture & Farming

Having managed this place only from march 2023, we did not have time to fully put into practice agropastoral tecniques to guarantee an organic grow of our olives trees and our fruit trees. But we are working hard to introduce practices based on “the agricolture of not doing” by Fukuoma and on permaculture. Not burning, not fertilizing with chemicals, not ploughing. Of course. This does not mean “not doing anything”. Anzi, il vero rompicapo è proprio ricercare alternative a queste pratiche convenzionali giorno dopo giorno.

Our olive cultivars.

In the valley of the property there are our 600 olive trees spreade around a 3.5 ectars land. Three are the cultivars that inhabit the olive groove: Leccino, Coratina and Ogliarola Garganica.
Autocthone apuglia’s olives to create a unique bland!

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The citrus grove

Being the olive groove, surrounded by cipresses to protect the plants from the winds coming from the north, rise our citrus groove enriched with mandarine, orange and lemon trees.
Our guests are free to collect the citrus that they prefer when they would like to. Always considering that the harvesting season goes from gennuary to april.

Our little friends

When we have started to manage Villa Amica (march 2023) these funny friends have already 8 years ago and their productivity was about to get to an end. After our first month here, indeed, their supply of eggs stoped all of a sudden.
Surely, it is a pity. However, we cannot find the courage to get rid of these cute chickens and we are keeping to feed them every day with kitchen leftover.
And all our gusts are invited to do the same!


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© Villa Amica by Antonio Troiano. P.IVA: 04442840718. CIS: FG07106032000025426.